Crossover: There's a radio show at Japanese ero-website hosted by Pico and Curo-kun (the protagonist of a series of S&M, crossdressing, shotacon mangas), despite the fact that they're from from different creators and that those characters never meet in their canonical media.Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Mokkun (at least in the anime), and to a lesser extent, Pico's grandfather and Chico's sister.In the third OVA, Pico catches Coco playing with himself. Caught with Your Pants Down: In Pico to Chico, the two watch Chico's older sister masturbate with a banana.Keep in mind that both Pico, Chico, and Tamotsu have shown interest in the opposite sex. Brother-Sister Incest: None directly, but Chico would watch his sister masturbate, though innocently since he had little idea what was happening, and she watched him have sex with Pico and got off on that.

Bi the Way: From the way Pico & Chico acted around both Coco (when they thought he was female) and Chico's sister.Biggus Dickus: A common trope for shotas drawn by men in this genre.Bare Your Midriff: Pico in the first OVA.

and then Tamotsu introduces Pico to many more things. His grandfather asks regular Tamotsu (nicknamed "Mokkun" by Pico) to spend time with Pico because he has no friends in the area. In the first installment, we are introduced to Pico during the summer, who is working at his grandfather's bar. It shares creators with various other works, such as Yoshiten, the character designer for Bible Black, and Katsuyoshi Yatabe, the episode/storyboard director for series such as Gundam Seed Destiny and Gakuen Alice. The series is infamous for being the first official animated example of its genre, as well as its copious amounts of cross-dressing. Boku no Pico ( My Pico) is a Shotacon OVA series, produced by the pornographic company Natural High.